Staff Training
It's never too early to learn how to self-manage and understand the strategies to dissolve unhelpful emotions.
Knowing how to learn instead of creating blocks can aid academic performance and personal development.
We know many adult issues begin in childhood, so it makes sense to avoid and resolve what could hamper their future and give strategies to protect confidence and deal with the transitional steps into teenage years and adult hood.
All sessions delivered with fun because good learning can be fun.
Working with "disaffected" teenagers to overcome emotional issues, achieve GCSE passes where F grade achievement is expected and guiding them to design their best future.
It’s not uncommon for the grades to quickly get to C,B and even A as the teenagers choose to design their future
Motivational talks topics:
*Revision Techniques
*Emotional Management
*Exam Memory Recall Strategies
*Interview Skills & Techniques
*Goal Setting for Life
*Self Coaching Skills
*Fun learning Events
Mental Health is now a school problem to resolve. With CBT being reported as less than 50% effective, schools need better results than that for their students in this crucial time of their development. Methods in private therapy proven by the NHS at a rate of 97% success is helping with not only mental health but with exam performance too. Explore what this could mean for your students.
Bespoke programs
Stop stress and anxiety
Competition coaching
Mindfulness plus
Stress Solutions
Anger Resolution
Bereavement Therapy

The Secret
Is to tap into what motivates young minds to want to learn. In some cases make it safe to learn, possible to learn and rewarding too.
Young children are more open minded to new ways and techniques to use when they need it. Therapy methods used in a safe and fun style helps the child with emotions, mind blocks and can help not only with their emotions, behaviour but also with their learning progress.
FACT: Many teachers have not been taught how to manage the challenging emotions affecting learning or how to re-engage students in the classroom.
Don't All
Young People deserve to know how to achieve?
We hear about the challenges in education all the time and forward-thinking schools are focused on learning what else can help with behaviour, developing students, dealing with the emotional aspects and the strategies to improve learning and exam performance.
Also it is recognised that teaching can be stressful with many suffering anxiety. Organisations need their staff in the best of health and should seek the most effective, immediate strategies to protect staff attendance and welfare.
Topics Include:
*Confidence Mastery
*Strategies for challenging
*NLP For Educators
*Stress & Emotional Management
*Mindfulness Plus
*Student Coaching & Influencing
*Student Mental Health Solutions

Teachers are
Role models
they can learn too
Teachers lead by example

Exam success
Do you teach students how to access their memory?
Do you teach students the winning
"Exam State Strategy"
What if teachers did? What if students
improved their results without effort?
Exams do not have to be the scary anxious event experienced by most.
It is never too late to teach this, but sooner maximises potential results.
Fun Drama Days
Cleverly constructed and facilitated. Combining comedy and drama exercises, with behavioural expertise. Effective techniques used in performance coaching and therapy, not only generates a unique fun rewarding day, but also equips individuals with proven strategies to self-manage, be resourceful and avoid wellbeing issues. Drama skills are highly effective in many aspects of success from persuasion, conflict management, leadership, confidence building, team building to managing and motivating students.
teen years would've been great if nlp was an option
i design my life
I deal well with whatever happens
good & unwanted

nlp helped me be a better teacher and role model
Enquire now & see how your students can benefit

Encouraging students to design their dream futures
"What, if you had a magic wand, would you like to be?" I asked.
"A Journalist, but..." She said without conviction or confidence.
"No buts! Let's explore what is needed."
Step one, let's get you to experience BBC Manchester Radio"
"Working with Maureen has been one of the best experiences I've ever had. She truly cares for my self-improvement and her compassionate ways has changed the outlook I once had on life"
Teaching Scouts
Methods used in leadership & corporate training and therapy to:
Dissolve unwanted emotions,
Build confidence
Know how to create successes
Avoid mental health issues
Help each other
"They are so open and wanting to try these methods. They easily accept the logic of if you are feeling bad try this to make you feel good as soon as you can. Music to my ears was hearing a little girl telling me "I am going to show my friend at school because she is sad. I am going to help her tap and be happy"

Bringing corporate style learning to these young minds so they can understand themselves and others more.
Teaching the basics of "Self Coaching"
How to be excellent and develop self empowering dialogue.
They corrected me when I said "the" C word as they now know there is
"No such thing as can't!"
They embraced the Emotional Freedom Techniques, including EFT.
It was very inspiring how aware of their parents emotions they were and would like them to stop doing the negative ones.

Even the leaders joined in to learn how to manage minds and emotions
The Scouting movement are doing such a truly valuable job with our young people. There are so many experiences and learning which the children can use throughout life. A very under valued resource in our society.
I applaud all those good hearted volunteers.
One of the rewarding moments of my work.
Teenagers I coached winning a regional Young Enterprise competition.
Still makes me feel so proud of each and every one
I would like to see every teenager have a proud moment like this.
From Various Students
“It works you know! Maureen makes us more confident and believe we can do it!”
(I really don’t force them, but use methods for them to realise they “can” These are their words. These were students on a Young Enterprise scheme where I worked with their confidence, public speaking and fears.)
“I didn’t believe I could have spoken in front of so many people, I am proud of me-thank you Mo”
“They bullied me but I am now stronger for it, Maureen saved me from being a victim all my life”
“The tapping technique was a bit weird at first but it has helped so much and I still use it on different things”
“I am so grateful for my new friend called confidence – thanks Aunty Maureen”
(some students found it funny to call me Aunty Maureen after one said "I have an aunty Maureen - it stuck and made them smile and I like to see young people smile)
“I never thought about having a dream till I met Maureen, now I have many and I have even been on the radio. She is an angel in my mind now there to haunt me in a good way when I need help! Thank you sooo much”