"I never knew I could change or design my future. To overcome past issues has been priceless.
You can too"
One to One Sessions
The Best Way to Fast Track Your Success and Progress
Lockdown has exasperated challenges. In the workplace people are experienced stress, anxiety, self doubt, depression, confusion, indecision, low confidence, increased fear without knowing how to stop and become resourceful and happy. There are home life and relationship issues too. Stats say you will know many who are suffering, even if they are hiding it, which most people do until they break.
Businesses are bearing the brunt in behaviour to manage, increased absenteeism for stress and mental health issues. It is costing companies considerably, financially and operationally. Performance is at risk, recruitment costs and strains others and a "walking on eggshells" culture.
Time for fast and effective solutions and intervention
Direct focus on what you want or what troubles you, with the most useful methods is understandably why clients make great strides into the futures they want. Every session is different. Clients have even started with:
"I don't know what is going on with me or where to begin!"
Some know exactly what they want to change others don't. Some don't want to go into detail of what is causing them pain and or don't to relive the trauma they have experienced. They don't have to. There are methods which work on without the need to discuss and re-live the pain. The mind is complex and there are many ways to create the change that will allow freedom from what hurts or holds us back.

A great starting point
Imagine a magic wand! What would you like to change? The faster we make a start, the quicker you create your magic!
Isn't it good to have choice and options.
What is Emotional Therapy?
Mental health and psychology is in a new era. There are methods targeting the emotional structure behind our problems. When targeting the emotions the full story of the issue is not needed to get a result. This is very welcome when the issue is uncomfortable to discuss (abuse, trauma) or it's unclear "where to start". Quality long lasting results can happen in less time than traditional interventions. Also clients learn valuable methods they can use for other issues if life becomes a challenge.
Often clients arrive with emotions ready to spill out and we can get to work immediately for them to feel better. I remember one client, he just burst out crying. Instantly the methods were activated only knowing we were working at an emotional level, the tears subsided and he felt good. The original reason he came to see me which was indecision over a big life decision he needed to make, as clear in his mind and resolved.
For me lets achieve the quality results as fast and in the most gentle way possible. This is a preferable way to resolve sensitive issues in a caring way especially for trauma and abuse issues.
"Ive always been..."
Whether that's shy, overlooked, anxious, weak, scared, angry, unlucky, targeted, picked on, unable to stand up for myself or neglected or anything else that you don't want, we can make so many changes. Even if we don't believe it is possible or that any technique can work, the question is are you willing to try? I was a sceptic when I came to this learning and techniques I now use to help others. I had to have proof repeatedly! How did these methods work? We don't have to know however we can go on courses. For most we just want the fix, the result.
It's Not Personal, It's Programming!
Most problems are due to habits and human programming or conditioning. Our "memory" contains patterns of how we feel, react and behave. It's commonly recognised that many issues root in our childhood. Thankfully there is so much that we can do to reprogram. That can be shift issues or change patterns so that goals can be achieved. One to one working can fast track progress. The testimonials page has examples of what can be achieved.
Session Types
Face to Face: Workplace on or off site
Videocall: Zoom/Teams/Skype
Common client problems:
Anger issues
Bereavement & Loss
Confidence & Self Esteem
Dating Issues
Divorce & separation
Driving Test anxieties
Eating Problems: obesity, anorexia, bulimia
Effects of abuse, physical/sexual/psychological
Effects of being bullied
Fears & Phobias
Financial fears
Interview skills
Pain management
Panic & Anxiety
Performance – sports / career
Presenting and performing
Problems from childhood
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Relationship issues
Revision & exam tools
Sexual dysfunction
Sleep problems
Sports achievement
Stopping Smoking
Any of the above connect with you or someone you care about? Now is a good time to start.

The best thing I ever did was design my confidence. Imagine you doing that.
The Silent Power! I have been sharing the secrets of good confidence since 2004 and for so many it has been life-changing. Imagine all those times you may feel uncomfortable, instead you can feel confident, resourceful and calm. It doesn't have to take long either!
What would you like? Where would you like it? It can be that easy! Great Confidence is within us - lets access it NOW
Bereavement and Loss
Until we experience loss it is almost impossible to understand the devastation and the power to stop us in our tracks. I know first hand when mum unexpectedly died. What I didn't know then were the choices to stop the unhelpful crying, tormented thoughts, unhealthy behaviour and unexpected breakdowns. I am proud to be a specialist helping others who want to recover ASAP in a gentle and quality way, and get back to living life, even finding joy.
Stress, anxiety, breakdown & depression
These are common issues which can really benefit from emotional therapy. Many clients have felt better faster than expected, needing less than imagined sessions to get to a good place and be in control. We never know what life has install for us but its worth knowing that we can change the unwanted feelings which accompany episodes. We have choice! The secret is "In your mind" so lets re-program and have peace and joy instead

Contact me now to find out how 1-2-1 will benefit you:
T: 0161 291 1786
M: 07901 675726​

Maybe the most painful set of emotions. I was in the right place at the right time to show Pam emotional healing methods. She was in painful grief. A short time later using my "Love Guru" skills, I encouraged her to consider dating and finding love. Why be alone when life is to be lived? Long story short! Pam emotionally recovered, saw the sense in redesigning her future, began dating, Date number two, a wonderful man, they fell in love and are both now living a beautiful dream! They are happily married and it's wonderful to see how great life is for them both.
A lesson to us all.
From Loss to Love